Above is an example of what I call “The Expressionists” for want of a better term. Obviously these groups of dancers are trying to convey something but it isn’t always obvious what they want to say. As often as not there’s no information on the cards to help.

I can tell you that this card comes from an album featuring Raybury School of Dancing Folkstone, Maidstone and Athelston School. Dated in the 1930s but what it’s about I don’t know. A scene from an opera perhaps?

And this one’s from from an album of photographs and clippings related to ballet in Weymouth during the 1950s and 1960s. I guess they are posing for a photographer while warming up.

I call this one “The Dying Swan.” You can often come across variations of this type.

Another mystery. Representing some sort of myth?

Obviously a ritual to welcome the spring I’d argue!

Ah, must be the dance of the birdhouse!

Homage to the fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Variations on the circle dance are also popular.
Any suggestions on the real subjects of these dances welcome.