These photos are from a full album of photographs. Very few have any information and certainly none of the performers’ names. All except one of the photographs with any written information give the locations as Par, St Ives and Newquay and are dated 1936. The exception is noted as Bognor 1937.

There is one photograph of the girls in everyday clothes recorded as Stanmore Common which is in the London Borough of Harrow.

Putting the pieces together it seems most likely that the girls are a semi-professional or amateur group of dancers from London who toured the South of England in 1936 and 1937. (The board advertising a demonstation by “London Experts” would seem to confirm this.) As well as photographs showing them in costume and rehearsing their moves there are lots of other shots of them relaxing and having fun.

The girls seem to have enjoyed practicing their moves on the beach.

The dancers found plenty of time to relax when not practicing their moves.

Friends forever?