Colors photography

My Evil Doppleganger

It’s not happened recently but I’ve been plagued by my doppleganger for many years. People have offered to fight me in pubs because I denied knowing them – it must have been my double they met before. Even my mother met my doppleganger in her house though I was miles away at the time.

From time to time I’ve imagined my evil twin and what he might be capable of doing.

I’ll probably be arrested or banned for including the knife in this picture but remember it’s in the hand of my evil twin, not me.

It’s dangerous around my house.

This one was inspired by Park Chan-wook’s film Thirst.

Seriously though, creating these images in Photoshop is fairly easy to do using layers. I’ve still got at least one doppleganger out there but I can’t say whether they’re really evil or not.

Colors photography

Minimalism in Photography

Defining minimalism in photography is difficult although some general rules of thumb can be stated, such as have a simple subject, use lots of negative space, ensure distance between yourself and your subject. However people can be very picky about what can be labelled minimalist. Try posting on minimalist groups on flickr for instance and you’ll soon come across people who’ll tell you that you’re doing it wrong.

I’d argue that my photo at the top if this post is a minimalist photograph. However, is the next photograph minimalist or not?

It’s the same place (I’m obsessed with the ridge opposite my home) and it certainly uses lots of negative space but some would argue (and have argued) that this is a landscape photograph but not minimalist.

Again my camera is pointing in the same direction but zoomed in. Is this a minimalist photo or an abstract photo or another landscape?

Ask yourself the same questions about the photograph above.

I’m still looking in the same direction but pointing the camera at the sky to achieve this Rothko-esque image. I’ve not done any post production on this photograph, it’s exactly as it was taken.

This one’s water flowing over metal at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

And finally take a look at Rhine II by Andreas Gursky which sold at auction for over 4 million dollars and this photo was edited to take out a factory and dog walkers!