Colors photography

Minimalism in Photography

Defining minimalism in photography is difficult although some general rules of thumb can be stated, such as have a simple subject, use lots of negative space, ensure distance between yourself and your subject. However people can be very picky about what can be labelled minimalist. Try posting on minimalist groups on flickr for instance and you’ll soon come across people who’ll tell you that you’re doing it wrong.

I’d argue that my photo at the top if this post is a minimalist photograph. However, is the next photograph minimalist or not?

It’s the same place (I’m obsessed with the ridge opposite my home) and it certainly uses lots of negative space but some would argue (and have argued) that this is a landscape photograph but not minimalist.

Again my camera is pointing in the same direction but zoomed in. Is this a minimalist photo or an abstract photo or another landscape?

Ask yourself the same questions about the photograph above.

I’m still looking in the same direction but pointing the camera at the sky to achieve this Rothko-esque image. I’ve not done any post production on this photograph, it’s exactly as it was taken.

This one’s water flowing over metal at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

And finally take a look at Rhine II by Andreas Gursky which sold at auction for over 4 million dollars and this photo was edited to take out a factory and dog walkers!


Marjorie Sear, Ballerina 1939

Miss Marjorie Sear in a beautiful hand-coloured photograph. This is the only colour photograph of her from a recently acquired and comprehensive set of Marjorie and her friends all in dance poses. Many of the photographs are dated around 1939 and this is likely to be from the same period.

I first came across Miss Sear when I bought a set of 22 sepia photographs of her. When I acquired this set the only identification was the envelope in which they came addressed to “Miss Sear.” They came in an envelope from Jerome Ltd of Kings Cross Road London. They were all date stamped 31 March 1939. It wasn’t until I was later able to acquire two more sets of photographs from the same source that I was able to identify her as Marjorie Sear. One photograph records her age as 15 on the reverse but there are obviously some when she is older and a few when she is younger.

A black and white version of the coloured photograph.

About half of the 60+ photos feature Marjorie with her friends in various dance costumes both on stage and outside. Whatever happened in their later lives they were clearly all enthusiastic dancers and liked to dress up.

As ever I am amazed how family treasures such as this set of photographs can disappear into salerooms and ebay having been lost or discarded. I know that these photos came from a house clearance and so I assume Marjorie Sear is dead and there are no relatives who survive her and want to keep her memory alive. How many more marvellous documents of social and personal history have been lost for all time? You can see the full set of photographs of Marjorie and her friends in this flickr album.


About Cabinet Cards

I’ll be posting examples of my own collection of old photographs starting with cabinet cards. Cabinet cards were first produced in the 1860s but did not reach peak popularity until the 1880s by which time they had largely replaced the smaller carte de visite. Soon cabinet cards would also be overtaken by the introduction of the Box Brownie in 1900 making it possible for everyone to make their own photos.

The cabinet card shown at the top of this post is a fairly typical example of the ever-popular family group. I used this as part of the back cover design for my book Alchemists of time. Tracking down details of the studios and photographers who made these cards is not an easy job. Even when we have  the name of the studio on the card it’s more likely than not that the studio disappeared many years ago and often without trace. There are resources that can help but that’s a topic for another post.

It’s always nice to find cards from your own locality, in my case Derby and Nottingham, though the same problems of provenance apply. These two are from Derby, one a portrait of a girl, the other a “candid” shot of a woman sprawled out over chairs. Who said all Victorian portraits involve someone standing straight and with a serious expression?

Rabbit man is one of my personal favourites, this time from a Nottingham studio. I suspect the rabbits were bred to eat rather than being pets but we’ll never know.

Black for mourning is often to be seen as is white (for purity?)

And what’s this dog thinking?

And finally I couldn’t resist inserting myself into a cabinet card, the surround being from a Victorian photo album designed to take cabinet cards.

( If you think you’ve seen or read some of this before it’s quite possible as my former blog imploded so I’ll be recreating entries here).


Experiments in pictorialism

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Some thoughts on AI, Art and Photography